Friday, 1 August 2014

Hypericum perforatum

Our raw Hypericum perforatum is grown on a herb farm in Bulgaria (Bulgaria is a leading producer of medicinal herbs with over 750 different plant species grown in the country’s varied climate zones).

Hypericin levels in St John’s Wort show a wide seasonal variation, rising rapidly in spring when the flower shoots reach a height of between 5 and 10 centimetres and continuing to rise until the plant is in full flower, when the hypericin levels tend to fall back.

There are over 450 species of Hypericum perforatum, but few of these are known to contain hypericin so herb identification is essential.  Of the two main strains grown for hypericin the broad-leafed strain is indigenous to northern Europe and the narrow-leafed strain is indigenous to southern Europe (although of course commercial production of either strain can take place anywhere).  The narrow-leaf strain has been found to contain approximately twice the concentration of hypericin as the broad-leaf strain.

There are strong indications that hypericin production is roughly 20% higher in years which experience above-average rainfall.

Seedlings of St. John's Wort are slow growing and compete poorly with other plants.  The seeds need light for germination and should be sown shallow depths (not more than two millimetres). Deep planting results in weak young seedlings.

St. John's Wort produces a deep root system. Generally the best harvest time is when the crop is half in bud and half in open flower. Timing is important in order to capture the hypericin levels at their peak.

Later harvests may yield very low hypericin levels.  Harvesting is normally not done until the second year, as there is usually limited flowering in the year of planting. The crop is usually dried under cover, to help retain the colour and preserve quality.

Herbs In A Bottle supplies Hypericum perforatum as a Tincture (in litre and half-litres), a Fluid Extract (in litre and half-litres), a Fixed Oil (in litre and half-litres), Cut herb (500g) and Powder (500g).

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